Friday Fictioneers – Trapped

I confess that I have been watching a buttload, yes, a buttload of my favourite show lately.  Ergo, the theme.


Photo courtesy – John Nixon


Word count:  101

Was that him?  Her globulous flesh snaked with glee around the inside of the plastic body.  It had to be; she sensed it.  He had kept his promise; returning to save her from this cursed hell!

Daily, and for years, she had hoped with each male shopper that the time had come. She pushed herself against the right eye and became alarmed to see that he simply loitered in the doorway, indecisive.

Panic turned to terror when The Doctor withdrew.  He suffered the effects of aging and failed to hear or see the mannequin leap and fall short of the door.


18 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Trapped

  1. Oh no, The Doctor is finally feeling the effects of aging?!? Damn.

    Loved this interpretation of the prompt. I hope you keep writing Dr. Who stories for Friday Fictioneers. That would be a treat!!

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